Oh wat a wunnferful day me had tuday!!! Me and mumma wuz workin and we wuz at an assisted livin pwace seein sum nice peoples dere, and when we wuz done me got a gweat surpwise. First a cute widdle kitty cumed out ta play wit me and she wuz a kitty dat luved dawgs like me, so we hit it off wight away!! Den..oh my gudness me still can't bewieve it....da door opened and me dweam woman cumed in an walked ofer to gif me a gud sniffin. She wuz a boo-tiful wittle goldie dat smelled soooo yummy!! Me neber smellz nufin likes her bafore!!!
Den mumma sayz, well Boo since dis wuz our last appointament, me will gives ya a wittle time ta pway wit her bafore we hazta go home. So she barks at me and me bark at her....BARK BARK BARK...CWAZY BARKING AT EACH OTHER.......all de people dere fink wez lost our mindz!!! And de twuth iz...me did!!! Den since we wuz so loud our mummas took us outside and wez runned and chased and pwayed, oh me garsh it wuz so much fun!!! Den when me wuz runnin, me finds a fishy pond, so me jumped wight in wit de fishes! Evewybawdy wuz waughing at de Boo and me new girlyfwiend (name of Buggy) bark and bark at me ta comez outta dere, cuz her mumma wunt let her jump in too (it wuz a wittle smelly in dere, but who cares, it WATER!!!!)
Me came out all stinky and muddy and pwayed and chased and barked sum more.
Den mez gotta meet herz sista. Oh mez feel so bad fur her. She in a lots of pain fwom an injury ta her footie and kin hurdly walk. She anudder goldie like us. Her mumma say she gonna be put ta sweep in a few days cuz de pain iz too much fur her now. Me didna know wat dat meant so mumma splained it ta me, and mez so sad fur her and her mumma and her sista. She wuz bery bwave tho and vewy pwoud and neber show she wuz scared attall. Me hopes me can be like her when me time comes ta cwoss de bwidge.
Me sure do hopes me can see dat goldie Buggy agin sumtime. She make ole Boo's heart go pitty-pat!!! Bof our mummas said we act like DOPES when wez togedder!! Mumma say she neber saw Boo act like dis wit anudder dawgie bafore. Das ok, u kin call mez a dope anytime iffin it mean me getz ta see dat Buggy agin. Oh me iz gunna haz gud dweams tanite...sigh.......
Unfurtunatly mumma didna haz her camera along so mez didna get any pics, but she tuk a pic of me all stinky and wet when wez got home. Den she hosed Boo down wit da cold water...Brrrrrrr..now mez warmin up on de couch and takin it eazy fur de west of da nite.
Well sweet dweams evewrybawdy ***finkin of Buggy**** sighing again..... Gudnite!!
Love & Smoochies ta evewyone!!!
Den mumma sayz, well Boo since dis wuz our last appointament, me will gives ya a wittle time ta pway wit her bafore we hazta go home. So she barks at me and me bark at her....BARK BARK BARK...CWAZY BARKING AT EACH OTHER.......all de people dere fink wez lost our mindz!!! And de twuth iz...me did!!! Den since we wuz so loud our mummas took us outside and wez runned and chased and pwayed, oh me garsh it wuz so much fun!!! Den when me wuz runnin, me finds a fishy pond, so me jumped wight in wit de fishes! Evewybawdy wuz waughing at de Boo and me new girlyfwiend (name of Buggy) bark and bark at me ta comez outta dere, cuz her mumma wunt let her jump in too (it wuz a wittle smelly in dere, but who cares, it WATER!!!!)
Me came out all stinky and muddy and pwayed and chased and barked sum more.
Den mez gotta meet herz sista. Oh mez feel so bad fur her. She in a lots of pain fwom an injury ta her footie and kin hurdly walk. She anudder goldie like us. Her mumma say she gonna be put ta sweep in a few days cuz de pain iz too much fur her now. Me didna know wat dat meant so mumma splained it ta me, and mez so sad fur her and her mumma and her sista. She wuz bery bwave tho and vewy pwoud and neber show she wuz scared attall. Me hopes me can be like her when me time comes ta cwoss de bwidge.
Me sure do hopes me can see dat goldie Buggy agin sumtime. She make ole Boo's heart go pitty-pat!!! Bof our mummas said we act like DOPES when wez togedder!! Mumma say she neber saw Boo act like dis wit anudder dawgie bafore. Das ok, u kin call mez a dope anytime iffin it mean me getz ta see dat Buggy agin. Oh me iz gunna haz gud dweams tanite...sigh.......
Unfurtunatly mumma didna haz her camera along so mez didna get any pics, but she tuk a pic of me all stinky and wet when wez got home. Den she hosed Boo down wit da cold water...Brrrrrrr..now mez warmin up on de couch and takin it eazy fur de west of da nite.
Well sweet dweams evewrybawdy ***finkin of Buggy**** sighing again..... Gudnite!!
Love & Smoochies ta evewyone!!!
Boo, Tucker's grandmother (Daisy's great-grandmother) was a Golden named Buggy and she was the best dog ever, so we think you found a good one.
ReplyDeleteHave fun.
Tucker and Daisy